ATPF Library

The bibliography below has been collected when Hans TenDam was preparing his work Exploring Reincarnation and later during his practice as a teacher and writer about regression therapy. Many books and recordings have been collected from the USA after the demise of IARRT.

It tries to be as inclusive as possible about everything published before 1980. It is still pretty inclusive up till about 2000. With a yes or a no the list indicates if the items indicated are physically present in our library. We strive to make them available later either physically or digitally. Our first priority will be to digitalize out-of-print works we consider important and which are not available on Google.

DVDs may be copied in more modern formats.

Language codes:
Appraisal Values: The codes 1-5 are to help students to focus on the
more important values according to us. Of course, opinions do differ. 
D: Dutch1: Without value
E: English 2: Limited value
F: French3: Reasonably interesting
G: German4: Interesting
I: Italian 5: Very interesting
P: Portuguese 0: Not available
S: Spanish?: Not yet studied
T: Turkishx: Our own contributions

Language Appraisal ValueAuthor/Title/Publisher/ YearExisting physical copy
D1Archiati, P. - En schreef in de aarde: Reïncarnatie, karma en de werking van Christus (Vrij Geestesleven, Zeist, 1997, ISBN 90 6038 400 8)Yes
D2Arroyo, Stephen - Astrologie, Karma en Transformatie (Amsterdam: Schors, 1982)Yes
D0Austen, A.W. - Silver Birch: Het Witte Licht (Amsterdam: Gnosis, 1938)No
D5Bernstein, Morey - Op zoek naar Bridey Murphy (Den Haag: Forum, z.j.)Yes
D0Besant, Annie - Dharma (Den Haag: Forum, z.j.)No
D1Besant, Annie - Een studie over karma (Amsterdam: Theosophische Uitg. Mij, 1916)Yes
D2Besant, Annie - Karma (Amsterdam: Theosophische Uitgevers Mij, 1916)Yes
DBesant, Annie - Reïncarnatie (Amsterdam: Nederl. Theosophische Ver., z.j.)Yes
D1Besant, Annie - Reïncarnatie (Amsterdam: Theosophische Uitgevers Mij., 1898)Yes
D2Besant, Annie - Reïncarnatie als Christelijke leerstelling (Amsterdam Theos. Uitg. Mij. 1905)Yes
D1Besant, Annie -Reïncarnatie en haar noodzakelijkheid en waarom wij onze vorige levens vergeten (Amsterdam: Theosophosiche Uitgevers Mij., z.j.)Yes
D4Beumers, Godfried & Pieter Wierenga - Je hebt het allemaal in je: Verslag van een helende ontdekking1eis onder hypnose. (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1992; ISBN 90 202 3890 6)Yes
D3Blase, Bert - Over kinderen en opvoeding (Den Bosch: Innerlijk Leven 1990 )Yes
D4Bontenbal, Rob - Dat je verleden je zo in de weg kan zitten: Een brochure over reïncarnatietherapie (1985) (Amsterdam: 1993)Yes
D?Bontenbal, Rob - Lifelines & Deadlines: Persoonlijke verhalen over verbinden en loslaten (Bilthoven: Dertiende Maand, 2014)Yes
D4Bowman, Carol - Kinderen uit de hemel (Utrecht: Bruna, 2001; ISBN 90 229 8541 5)Yes
D4Bowman, Carol & Steve Bowman - Wie was mijn kind? (Utrecht: Bruna, 1997; ISBN 90 229 8358 7)Yes
D4Brouwer, El - Mozaïek van vorige levens (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1978; ISBN 90 202 3298 3)Yes
D4Cerminara, Gina - Leven in relatie: Edgar Cayce’s visie op contacten, omstandigheden, karma en reïncarnatie (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1978: ISBN 9020248596)Yes
D1Challoner, H.K. -Het Rad van Wedergeboorte: Reïncarnatie in de praktijk. (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1974)No
D4Cladder, Hans - Drie Jaar ervaringen met reïncarnatietherapie (1983) (Tijdschrift voor Psychotherapie 1984 )No
D3Cladder, J.M. - Hypnose als Hulpmiddel bij de Psychotherapie. (Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1990)No
D0Cockell, J. - Mijn kinderen uit een vorig levenNo
D4Contant, Els - Ontmoetingen met het verleden (Fenix, Jaargang 2, nr 6, januari 2000)Yes
D2Cooper, Irving - Groei door reïncarnatie (Karma en Reïncarnatie Legioen, z.j.)Yes
D2Cooper, Irving - Reïncarnatie (Amsterdam: Theos. Uitg. Mij. 1955)No
D?Coudenys, Henk - Karmische Psychologie Deel 1: In Dialoog met het Onbewuste (Deinze/Nazareth: V.Z.W. Dans met de Aarde 2000)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - 'Vorige levens en persoonlijke integratie' PRANA februari/maart 1993, pp.43-48 (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1993)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Catharsis en Integratie: Het handboek regressie- en reïncarnatietherapie (1997) (Ommen: Tasso, 2001; ISBN 90-75568-12-6)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Catharsis, Integratie en Transformatie: Handboek Transpersoonlijke Regressietherapie met voorbeelden uit groepssessies en individuele sessies (1997) (Ommen: Tasso Uitgeverij, 2013)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Een Secretaresse in de Etalage: 25 verhalen uit de praktijk van een reïncarnatietherapeut (Ommen: Tasso, 2013)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Handboek Regressietherapie: Regressie- en reïncarnatietherapie zonder hypnose (Amsterdam: Bres, 1989; ISBN 9062290272)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Interview met Denys Kelsey (Bres 104, 1984)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Lezing Hans ten Dam: Laat je niet ringeloren! ([Locatie?:] 27 februari 2001 ) Handmade DVDYes
DxDam, Hans ten - Reïncarnatie: Denkbeelden en Ervaringen (heruitgave van Ring van Licht) (Ommen: Tasso, 2002 )Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Reïncarnatie: Denkbeelden en ervaringsfeiten. Rondetafelgesprek. (Amsterdam: Bres 92 en 93, 1982)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten - Ring van Licht. Reïncarnatie: denkbeelden en ervaringen (1983) (Amsterdam: Bres, 1990; ISBN 90 6229 028 0)Yes
DxDam, Hans ten (red.) - Progressie in Regressie: Bloemlezing uit Tassomails 2002-2008 (Ommen: Tasso Instituut, 2011)Yes
DDe Graaf, Inge - Nu of nooit: Regressie in een notendop (Haarlem: uitgave in eigen beheer, [jaar?])Yes
D2Demetriades, Irmgard - Gesprekken over reïncarnatie (Breda: De Ster, 1989; ISBN 90 6556322 9)Yes
D4Denning, Hazel M. - Leven Zonder Schuld: Genezing door regressie naar vorige levens Vertaling: Florence van Eupen (Amersfoort: Tasso Uitgeverij, 2020)Yes
D2Dethlefsen, Thorwald - Leven na leven na leven (De Bilt: Fontein, 1974; ISBN 90 261 3010 4)Yes
D4Dethlefsen, Thorwald -Terug naar vorige levens. De belevenis der wedergeboorte door hypnose (Deventer: Ankh Hermes, 1977, ISBN 90 202 4858 8)Yes
D2Frieling, Rudolf - Christendom en reïncarnatie (Rotterdam: Christofoor, 1977, ISBN 90 6238 029 8)Yes
D4Gershom, Yonassan - Onmogelijke herinneringen: Reïncarnatiebeelden van de holocaust (Zeist: Vrij Geestesleven, 1997; ISBN 90 6038 404 0)Yes
D4Gershom, Yonassan - Onverklaarbaar verdriet: De verwerking van trauma's uit een vorig leven (Zeist: Vrij Geestesleven, 1998; ISBN 90 60384 44 X)Yes
D4Ginkel, H.J. van - Leeft men meer dan éénmaal op aard? Een bijdrage tot toelichting van het reïncarnatieprobleem (Amsterdam: Theos. Uitg. Mij,. 1917)Yes
D4Grant, Joan - Gevleugelde Farao (Amsterdam: Driehoek z.j.:, ISBN 90 6030 096 3)Yes
D4Grant, Joan & Denys Kelsey - Meer dan één leven: Psychische problemen verklaard door vorige incarnaties (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1973)Yes
D1Haich, Elisabeth - Inwijding: Priesteres in Egypte (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1978)Yes
D?Herman, Judith Lewis - Trauma en herstel: De gevolgen van geweld - van mishandeling thuis tot politiek geweld (1993) (Amsterdam: Wereldbibliotheek, juli 2002 9e druk)Yes
D?Hillen, Jaak - Wegen van Wil: Handboek voor een kunstzinnige omgang met karma en reïncarnatie (Antwerpen: Via Libra, 2017)Yes
D3Hisschemöller, Bart - Terugkijken: Handboek regressie- en reïncarnatietherapie. (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1988; ISBN 90 202 5514 2)No
D0Hoefler, Angelika - Karma en reïncarnatieNo
D0Hoefler, Angelika & M. Atti - Pendel en reïncarnatie: een onderzoek naar onze vorige levens)No
D2Holthe tot Echten, R.O. van - Reïncarnatie: Historische, ethische, wijsgerige en wetenschappelijke beschouwing (Bussum: Van Dishoeck, 1921)Yes
D3Hondius, J.M. - Ontmoeting met vorige levens (Deventer: Kluwer, 1957)Yes
DHoward, Alan - Seksualiteit in het Licht van Reïncarnatie en Vrijheid (Zeist: Vrij Geestesleven, 1980)Yes
D3Hubbard, L. Ron - Heeft u al eens eerder geleefd? Een studie van de dood en bewijsmateriaal van vroegere levens (Copenhagen: Scientology Publications, 1979)Yes
D3Husemann, Friedrich - Het gezicht van de dood. Een fundamentele blikverruiming (1938) (Rotterdam: Christofoor, 1980)No
D4Iverson, Jeffrey - Meer levens dan één? Onderzoek naar de beleving onder hypnose van vroegere levens (Wassenaar: Mirananda, 1978)Yes
D4Kahnemann, Bert - Ik leef mijn vorige levens (Naarden: Strengholt, 1997; ISBN 90 6010 930 9)Yes
D4Kamphoff, Matthijs - Oude levens, nieuwe koersen: Reïncarnatie en de samenhang tussen opeenvolgende levens. (Amsterdam: Bres, 2000; ISBN 90 6229 065 5)Yes
D4Kardec, Allan - Het Boek der Geesten (
D4Kelsey, Dennis & Joan Grant - Meer dan één leven. Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1973Yes
D?Kimman, Lydia & Mariet Diepgrond - Voorbij Dader- en Slachtofferschap: antwoorden wonen in de Leegte ([locatie?] Stichting Voorlichting Reïncarnatietherapie (SVR), 2010)Yes
D4Kleyn, Jan A. - Je Gids naar een vorig leven: omdat een mens niet één, maar vele levens heeft (Naarden: Strengholt,1998; ISBN 90 6010 951 1)Yes
D4Klink, Joanne - Vroeger toen ik groot was: vérgaande herinneringen van kleine kinderen (Baarn: Ten Have, 1990)Yes
D2Koch, Werner -Reïncarnatietherapie: Genezing vanuit voorbije levens (Amsterdam: Schors, 1993, ISBN 90 6378 274 8)Yes
D3Kolk-Schoorl, Hanneke van der - Het antwoord is altijd binnen onszelf. Verkenningen met veranderde staten van bewustzijn (Ongepubliceerd werkstuk 1982)No
D2Kranenborg, Reender & Hugo S. Verbrugh - Reïncarnatie: een veelzijdig perspectief? (Kampen: Kok Agora, 1988; ISBN 90 242 7619 5)Yes
D2Langedijk, Pieter - Merkwaardige reïncarnatieverhalen (Deventer Ankh-Hermes, 1983)Yes
D3Langedijk, Pieter - Reïncarnatie, psychotherapie en opvoeding (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1980 )Yes
D3Langedijk, Pieter & Agnes van Enkhuizen - Concentratiekamp- en oorlogservaringen (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1988)Yes
D3Langedijk, Pieter & Agnes van Enkhuizen - Het oertrauma, of de schok van de incarnatie op aarde (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1987)Yes
D3Langedijk, Pieter & Agnes van Enkhuizen - Leerproblemen en vorige levens (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1987)Yes
D3Langedijk, Pieter & Agnes van Enkhuizen - Relatieproblemen en vorige levens (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1988)Yes
D3Langedijk, Pieter & Agnes van Enkhuizen - Seksuele problemen en vorige levens (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1986)Yes
D1Liekens, Paul - Reïncarnatie: Sleutel tot de zin van het leven. (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1982)Yes
D2Lodo, Lama - Bardo: De weg van dood en wedergeboorte (Ithaca, New York 1982)No
D?Logister, Wiel - Reïncarnatie: De vele kanten van een oud en nieuw geloof (Tiel: Lannoo, 1990; ISBN 90 209 1865 X)Yes
D2Maas, Peter - Een nieuwe visie op reïncarnatie (Tijdschrift voor Educatieve en Therapeutische Hypnose 1989)No
D5Maesen, Ronald van der - Cliënten over reïncarnatietherapie (Amstelveen: NVRT/SVR, 1994)No
D4Maesen, Ronald van der - Onderzoek naar het Effect van en de Cliëntensatisfactie over Reïncarnatietherapie (proefschrift) (Amsterdam: SWP, 2006)No
D4Maesen, Ronald van der - Ontmoeting met Reïncarnatietherapie: Een nieuwe weg naar geestelijke gezondheid (Leeuwarden: Elikser, 2010)Yes
DMaesen, Ronald van der - PLT: past life-regressietherapie sinds 1978 / Processtudie: Werkzame factoren in traumabehandeling van mensen met chronisch fysieke en psychische klachten (Paramaribo: Leo Victor, 2022)Yes
D4Maesen, Ronald van der - Reïncarnatietherapie voor stemmenhoorders (NVRT, 1999)No
D4Maesen, Ronald van der - Terugkeer van de Ziel: Naar een vierdimensionaal mensbeeld (Dwingeloo: Kavana, 2010)Yes
DMaesen, Ronald van der & Cecilia Manichand-Potinoor - Handboek Past-Life Therapie Suriname (Leeuwarden: Elikser uitgeverij, 2019)Yes
D5Maesen, Ronald van der & Rob Bontenbal - Handboek Reïncarnatietherapie (De Tijdstroom, 2002)No
D1Mann, A.Tadd - Alles over Reïncarnatie (Naarden: Strengholt, 1997; ISBN 90 6010 904 X)Yes
D0Meer, B.van der - Reïncarnatie in een nieuw licht (Wassenaar: Servire, 1951)No
D0Moody Jr., Raymond - Reïncarnatie (Bruna)No
D5Moody Jr., Raymond – Leven na dit leven (Naarden: Strengholt, 1977)No
D3Moore, Marcia - Innerlijke dimensies: Hypersentience als regressietherapie: onderzoekingstochten in vorige levens (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1978)Yes
D4Moss, Peter & Joe Keeton - Ontmoetingen met het verleden: Vergeten gebeurtenissen oproepen onder hypnose (1979) (Helmond: Uitgeverij Helmond, 1980)Yes
D3Motoyama, Hiroshi - Reïncarnatie en Karma: Sleutel tot spirituele ontwikkeling (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1994; ISBN 90 202 8062 7)Yes
D5Netherton, Morris & Nancy Shiffrin - De geschiedenis herhaalt zich: Genezen aan vorige levens (Rotterdam: Lemniscaat, 1980)No
D?Nienhuys, J.W. - Reïncarnatie: Skeptische Notities 1 (Utrecht: St. Skepsis, 1989)Yes
D2Okken, Riet - De kracht van de bestemming (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1988)Yes
D0Ortt, Felix - Het reïncarnatievraagstuk (1947)No
D3Panday-Jhingoeri - De rol van trauma en cultuur bij psychiatrische problematiek: Ervaringen uit de Surinaamse praktijk (Paramaribo: Suriprint, 2022 (2e herziene druk) )Yes
D4Panday-Jhingoeri, Kamla Nannan - Pluralisme bij de behandeling van Psychiatrische Problematiek in Suriname: … Proefschrift (Paramaribo: Anton de Kom Universiteit, 2019)Yes
D5Passian, Rudolf - Wedergeboorte of de onsterfelijkheid van de menselijke ziel (Rijswijk: Elmar, 1985, ISBN 90 6120 599 9)Yes
D1Pelt, Gertrud van -Karma: De wet van oorzaak en gevolg (Wassenaar: Mirananda, 1977)Yes
D3Penkala, Maria - Reïncarnatie en preëxistentie (1972) (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1973 )Yes
D2Pierrakos, Eva - Proces van reïncarnatie (1958) (Stichting Gemeenschap Het Pad, 1986 )No
D2Pilkington, J. Maya & the Diagram Group - Ontdek uw vorige levens (Baarn: Bigot & Van Rossum, 1990; ISBN 90 6134 339 9)Yes
D3Pisani, Isola - Doodgaan is geen sterven (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1979)Yes
D1Praag, H. van - Reïncarnatie in het licht van wetenschap en geloof (Bussum: Teleboek, 1972)Yes
D?Praag, Henri van e.a. - Reïncarnatienummer PRANA nr.8 (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1977)Yes
D?Proces van reincarnatie - Lezingenbundel van Het Pad nr.26 (Beverwijk: School voor Padwerk, 1991)Yes
D0Reepmaker, M. - Reïncarnatie (Rotterdam, 1902)No
D5Reïncarnatietherapie: Beschrijving en beroepsprofiel (Berlicum: NVRT, 1996)Yes
D2Rivas, Estefan & Titus - Het geval Annet v.d. K: Reïncarnatie of fantasie? (Tijdschrift voor Wetenschappelijk Reïncarnatieonderzoek, Vol. 1, nr.1, 1987)Yes
D?Rivas, Estefan & Titus - Wetenschappelijk Reïncarnatie-onderzoek (St. Wetenschappelijk Reïncarnatieonderzoek, 2de druk 1987 (1ste druk 1986 ) )Yes
D0Schaik, J.L.M. van (red.) - Karma en Reïncarnatie: Vroeger en nu en in de toekomst (Zeist, 1995)No
D0Schmidt, K.O. - Wij leven niet slechts eenmaal (Leiden: Cyclus, 1956)No
D1Schulman, Martin - Karmische Astrologie. Deel 1: Maansknopen en reïncarnatie. Deel 2: Levensvreugde en het gelukspunt. Deel 3: Retrograde planeten en reïncarnatie. Deel 4: Karma van het nu. (Amsterdam: Schors, 1979-1982)Yes
D1Snowden Ward, H. - Karma en Re-Incarnatie (Amsterdam: Ned. Theos. Ver., z.j.Yes
D5Stevenson, Ian -Twintig gevallen van vermoedelijke reïncarnatie (Bussum: Teleboek, 1981)No
D0Stolp, Hans - Karma, reïncarnatie en Christelijk geloof (Baarn, 1996)No
D2Veltman, Willem - Karma en Reïncarnatie (Zeist: Vrij Geestesleven, 1974)No
D?Veltman, Willem F. - Reïncarnatie en regressie: Over de werking van het karma (Zeist 1993 )Yes
D2Verbrugh, Hugo - Een beetje terugkomen: Reïncarnatie als denkbeeld en ervaringsgegeven (Rotterdam: Christofoor, 1980)Yes
D3Vidal de St. Germain, Henri - Dimensies achter regressie en reïncarnatie (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1998; ISBN 90 202 81631)Yes
D4Vidal de St. Germain, Henri - Spectrum van regressie en reïncarnatie (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1996 ; ISBN 90 202 8103 8)Yes
D2Vidal de St. Germain, Henri de - Dagdromen en vorige levens (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1999; ISBN 90 202 8191 7)Yes
D5Wambach, Helen - De mens heeft vele levens: Onze herinneringen aan een vorig bestaan. (Deventer: Ankh-Hermes, 1980)Yes
D4Whitton, Joel & Joe Fisher - Tussen twee levens (Utrecht: Kosmos, 1987)No
D4Wierenga, Pieter - Het Innerlijk Kind als Waakhond: Hoe we onszelf aan de ketting leggen (Balkbrug: Tasso, 1999; ISBN 90 7556 807 X) No
D4Wierenga, Pieter - Ongenode Gasten: Over indringers in de menselijk geest (Balkbrug: Tasso, 1998)No
D3Wierenga, Pieter - Stemmen uit de Schaduw: Beschouwingen van Duivels over het Menselijk Ras (Amsterdam: Tasso, 1998)Yes
D1Wright, Leoline - Reïncarnatie (Wassenaar: Mirananda, 1977)Yes
D4Zuidinga, Petra - De Noordzee-vrouw en andere herinneringen (Amsterdam: Tasso Uitgeverij, 1997; ISBN 90 75568 04 5)Yes
E0Abhedananda, Swami - Doctrine of KarmaYes
E1Abhedananda, Swami - Reincarnation (1899) (8th ed; Calcutta: Ramakrishna Vedanta Math, 1964)Yes
E?Acquarius - The Magic of Re-Incarnation (Hermosa Beach, California; The Lane Press, 1955)Yes
E0Albertson et al. - Post Traumatic Stress Disorders of Vietnam Veterans: A Proposal for Research and Therapeutic Healing Utilizing Depossession (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.3, No.1, 1988)Yes
E5Albertson, Maurice & Kenneth Freeman - Research Related to Reincarnation (Fort Collins: International Conference on Paranormal Research, 1988)No
E3Algeo, John - Reincarnation Explored (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1987, ISBN 0 8356 0624 4)Yes
E0Allen, Eula - Before the Beginning (Virginia Beach: A.R.E., 1965)No
E0Alvanhov, O. - ReincarnationNo
E3Amidon, Norton W. - Cross-Correspondences among the Loehr-Daniels Life Readings (Grand Island, Florida: Gnosticoeurs, 1985; ISBN 0 915 151 11 1)Yes
E1Anderson, Jerome - Karma. A study of the Law of Cause and Effect in Relation to Re-Birth or Reincarnation, Post Mortem States of Consci-ousness, Cycles, Vicarious Atonement, Fate, Predestination, Free Will, Forgiveness, Animals, Suicides, Etc. (San Francisco: Lotus, 1894)Yes
E1Anderson, Jerome - Reincarnation: A Study of the Human Soul in its Relation to Re-Birth, Evolution, Post-Mortem States, The Compound Nature of Man, Hypnotism, Etc. (San Francisco: Lotus, 1894)Yes
E3Andrade, Hernani Guimarães - A Case Suggestive of Reincarnation - Jacira & Ronaldo (1975) (3rd ed; SãoPaulo: I.B.P.P., 1980)Yes
E3Andrade, Hernani Guimarães - The Ruytemberg Rocha Case (São Paulo: Brazilian Institute for Psychobiophysical Research, 1973)Yes
E?Arcangel, Dianne - Afterlife Encounters: Ordinary People, Extraordinary Experiences (Charlotsville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, 2005)Yes
E2Arroyo, Stephen - Astrology, Karma and Transformation. The Inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart. (Vancouver: CRCS Publications, 1978; ISBN 0 916360 03 2)Yes
E0Arundale, Francesca - The Idea of Rebirth (London 1890)No
E1Atkinson, W.W. - Reincarnation and the Law of Karma (Yogi Publication Society, 1908)Yes
E1Aurobindo, 1i - The Problem of Rebirth (Pondicherry, 1952 )Yes
E0Austen, A.W. - Teachings of Silver Birch (London: Spiritualist Press 1938) No
E5Bache, Ph.D., Christopher M. - Life Cycles: Reincarnation and the Web of Life (New York: Paragon House, 1990; ISBN 1 55778 350 0)Yes
E1Baker, Douglas - Hidden Laws: The Esoteric Philosophy of Disease and Rebirth (1977) (Wellingborough: Aquarian, 1982, ISBN 0 85030 299 4)Yes
E1Baker, Douglas - Reincarnation: Why, where and how we have lived before (Wellingborough: Aquarian, 1981, ISBN 0 906006 57 0)Yes
E1Baker, Douglas - The Wheel of Rebirth (Wellingborough: Aquarian, 1978; ISBN 0 906006 16 3)Yes
E?Baldwin, William - Regression Therapy [and] Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual (Carmel, CA: Center for Human Relations, 1991) Yes
E3Baldwin, William - Regression Therapy. Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual (1991) 2nd ed: Headline Books, 2002Yes
E?Baldwin, William - Spirit Releasement Therapy (Handmade DVD ) Yes
E3Banerjee, Dr. H.N. - The Once and Future life (New York: Dell, 1979; ISBN 0 440 16554 7)Yes
E4Banerjee, H.N. - Americans Who Have Been Reincarnated (New York: MacMillan, 1980; ISBN 0 02 506740 0)Yes
E0Banerjee, H.N. - Lesson in Past Life Regression (San Diego: Metaphysical Book Club, 1981)No
E?Banerjee, H.N. & Will Ousler - Lives Unlimited: Reincarnation East and West,(New York: Doubleday, 1974 )Yes
E0Baronte, Gervée - The History of the Soul (Chepham,1937)No
E0Baronte, Gervée - You Have Lived Before (London: Pearson, 1936)No
E1Baronte, Gervée - Your Previous Life on Earth: Reincarnation simplified (London: Jenkins, 1938)Yes
E0Batzel, Beth & Karl Schlotterbeck - Lion of Satan, Lion of God No
E?Becker, Carl B. - Paranormal Experience and Survival of Death (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1993)Yes
E0Bendit, Laurence J. - The Mirror of Life and Death (1965) (2nd ed; Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1968)No
E3Bennett, Colin - Practical Time-Travel: How to reach back to past lives by occult means (1953) (Wellingborough: Aquarian, 1980)Yes
E0Berg, P. - Wheels of a soulNo
E0Berger, A. - ReincarnationNo
E5Bernstein, Morey - The Search for Bridey Murphy (1956) (New York: Doubleday, 1989; ISBN 0 385 26003 2) Yes
E0Bertholet, Alfred - The Transmigration of Souls (New York: Harper, 1909)No
E0Besant, Annie - A Study in KarmaNo
E2Besant, Annie - Karma (1895) (10th reprint; Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1975)Yes
E2Besant, Annie - Karma and Social Improvement (Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1921)Yes
E1Besant, Annie - On Karma (1916) (Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1921Yes
E1Besant, Annie - Reincarnation (1898) (Adyar: Theos. Publ. 1924)Yes
E1Besant, Annie - The Necessity for Reincarnation (Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1921) Yes
E1Besant, Annie & Charles Leadbeater - Man: Whence, How and Whither (1913) (5th reprint; Adyar: Theos. Publ. House, 1971; ISBN 0 8356 7173 9 )Yes
E1Besant, Annie & Charles Leadbeater - The Lives of Alcyone. Volumes I and II (Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1924)Yes
E2Binder, Bettye B. - Past Lives, Present Karma Workbook (1985) (Culver City, CA: Reincarnation Books, 1992; ISBN 1 879005 01 8)Yes
E?Binder, Bettye B. - Past-Life Regression Guidebook: How Our Past Lives Influence Us Now (3rd ed.; ISBN 1-879005-11-5)Yes
E0Blakiston, Patrick - The Pre-Existence and Transmigration of Souls (London: Regency, 1970)No
E1Blavatsky, Helena Petrovna - Theories about Reincarnation and Spirits (The Path 1886)No
E?Bloxham, Arnall - Who was Ann Ockenden? (London: Spearman, 1958)Yes
E3Blythe, Henry - The Three Lives of Naomi Henry (London: Frederick Muller, 1956)No
E?Bolduc, Henry Leo - Life Patterns: Soul Lessons & Forgiveness (Independence: Into Time Publishers, 1994; ISBN 0 9601302 4 1)Yes
E?Bolduc, Henry Leo - The Journey Within: Past-Life Regression and Channeling (1988) (2nd printing; Virginia Beach: Inner Vision, 1989 ISBN 0 917483 14 6)Yes
E0Bond, F. Bligh - The Diary of Patience Worth No
E4Bontenbal, Rob - Your past can sure get in your way!: A brochure on reincarnation therapy (1985) (Amsterdam: 1N, 1995)Yes
E0Bowen, Francis - Christian MetempsychosisNo
E4Bowman, Carol - Children From Heaven (2001)Yes
E4Bowman, Carol & Steve Bowman - Children's Past Lives: How Past-Life Memories Affect Your Child (Bantam Books 1997)Yes
E0Box, Sushill Chandra - Your last life and your next (Calcutta, 1959)No
E3Brennan, J.H. - Five Keys to Past Lives: Practical Aspects of Reincarnation (1973) (Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1978)Yes
E0Brennan, J.H. - Reincarnation (Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1981)No
E4Brennan, J.H. - The Reincarnation Workbook.: A complete course in recalling past lives. (Wellingborough: Aquarian Press, 1989)Yes
E?Brownwell, George - Reincarnation (Santa Barbara, 1946)Yes
E3Bryce, James - Reincarnation Now! (Vancouver: Fforbes, 1978; ISBN 0 88976 045 4)Yes
E?Burke, Abbot George - May a Christian Believe in Reincarnation? (Borrego Springs, CA: Light of Christ Monastery, [year?])Yes
E0Butler, Chris - Reincarnation ExplainedNo
E4Caetano, Trisha - The Interview Technique in Past-Life Therapy. (APRT Newsletter, Winter 1985)No
E4Cannon, Alexander - The Power of Karma in Relation to Destiny (London: Rider, 1936)Yes
E1Capel, Evelyn Francis - Reincarnation within Christianity (1980) (London: Temple Lodge Press, 1988; ISBN 0 904693 08 2)Yes
E0Carr, Donald - The Eternal Return (New York: Doubleday, 1968)No
E2Cayce, Edgar Evans - Edgar Cayce on Atlantis (New York: Paperback, 1968)Yes
E?Cerminara, Gina - Edgar Cayce Revisited and Other Candid Commentaries (Virginia Beach: Unilaw Library Donning, 1983 ; ISBN 0 89865 324 X)Yes
E5Cerminara, Gina - Many Lives, Many Loves (1963) (4th printing; Marina del Rey: De Vorss, 1987; ISBN 0 87516 429 3)Yes
E4Cerminara, Gina - Many Mansions (1950) (New York: Sloane, 1970) No
E4Cerminara, Gina - The World Within (1967) (London: Daniel, 1973)Yes
E4Chadwick, Gloria - Discovering Your Past Lives (Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1988 ; ISBN 0 8092 4546 9)Yes
E0Challoner H.K. & R. Northover - Out of Chaos (London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1967)No
E1Challoner, H.K. - The Wheel of Rebirth: Some Memories of an Occult Student (London: Rider, 1935)Yes
E0Chapple, C. - Karma and CreativityNo
E1Chinmoy, 1i - Death and Reincarnation (Jamaica, N.Y.: Agni Press, 1974)Yes
E?Chirea, Victor - Soul Fragmentation: Consequences and the Reintegration of Lost Parts (Bucharest: Gestalt Books, 2014)Yes
E3Christie-Murray, David - Reincarnation (London: The Society for Psychical Research, 1975)Yes
E4Christie-Murray, David - Reincarnation: Ancient Beliefs and Modern Evidence (Newton Abbott: David & Charles, 1981; ISBN 0 7153 7861 9)Yes
E0Church, W.H. - Many Happy Returns No
E4Cladder, Johannes M. - Past-Life Therapy with Difficult Phobics (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.1, No.2., 1986)No
E4Clark, Ph.D., Rabia Lynn - Past Life Therapy: the State of the Art (Austin, Texas: Rising Star Press, 1995)Yes
E2Clow, Barbara Hand - Eye of the Centaur: A Visionary Guide into Past Lives (St. Paul: Llewellyn, 1986)Yes
E?Cohen, Aaron - The Path to Reincarnation (New York/etc.: Vantage Press, 1958)Yes
E1Cohen, Daniel - The Mysteries of Reincarnation (New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1975; ISBN 0 396 07077 9)Yes
E2Cooke, Grace - The Illumined Ones (1966) (Norwich: Fletcher & Son, 1985; ISBN 0 85487 058 X)Yes
E2Cooper, Irving - Reincarnation: The Hope of the World (1917) (Wheaton: Theosophical Press, 1972)Yes
E3Cott, Jonathan - The Search for Omm Sety: A True Story of Eternal Love (New York: Warner Books, 1987; ISBN 0 446 39040 2)Yes
E4Cranston, Sylvia & C.Williams - Reincarnation: A New Horizon in Science, Religion and Society (New York: Julian Press, 1984 ; ISBN 0 517 55496 8)Yes
E?Crawford, April - HASOR: My Soul's Journey Through Some Of My Past Lives - Based Upon True Lives (La Crescenta, CA: Connecting Wave, 2015)Yes
E?Crookall, Robert - Events on the Threshold of the Afterlife (Moradabad: Darshana, 1967)Yes
E5Crookall, Robert - Intimations of Immortality (London: James Clarke, 1965)Yes
E3Crookall, Robert - The Next World and the Next: Ghostly garments. (London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1966)Yes
E5Crookall, Robert - The Supreme Adventure (1961) (London: James Clarke, 1975) Yes
E?Crookall, Robert - The Techniques of Astral Projection (1964) (Wellinborough, UK: Aquarian Press, 1981)Yes
E5Crookall, Robert - What Happens When You Die (Gerrards Cross: Smythe, 1978)Yes
EXCummins, Geraldine (transmitted by) & Signe Toksvig (ed.) - Swan on a Black Sea: A study in automatic writing: the Cummins-Willet scripts (London; Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1965)Yes
E4Cunningham, Janet - A Tribe Returned (Crest Park, CA: Deep Forest Press, 1994; ISBN 1 882530 09 8)Yes
E0Cunningham, Janet & Michael Ranucci - Caution: Soul Mate Ahead! Spritual love in the physical worldNo
E?Curtiss, F. Homer - Reincarnation (San Gabriel, CA: Willing Publishing Company / Universal Religious Fellowship, 1949)Yes
ExDam, Hans ten - Exploring Reincarnation: The Classical Guide to the Evidence for Past-Life Experiences (Ommen: Tasso Uitgeverij, 2012)Yes
ExDam, Hans ten - Exploring Reincarnation: The classical guide to the evidence of past-life experiences (1990) (London: Rider, 2003)Yes
E0Damian-Knight, G. - Karma and Destiny in the I ChingNo
E?De Vasto, Ronald P. & John J. Kelly - Fragmented Souls: An Inside Look at Spirit Attachment and Fragmentation Therapy (Orlando, FL: eSpirit Publications, 2001). CD (FS-2001-PDF)Yes
E2DeArtega, William de - Past Life Visions: A Christian Exploration (New York: Seabury Press, 1983; ISBN 0 8164 2414 4)Yes
E3Denning, Hazel - Life Without Guilt: Healing through past-life regression (1998)No
E?DeSilva, Lynn - Reincarnation in Buddhist and Christian thought (Colombo: Christian Literature Society of Ceylon, 1968 )Yes
E1Desmond, Shaw - Reincarnation for Everyman (1940) (London: Rider, 1954)Yes
E?Dethlefsen, Thorwald - Voices from Other Lives: Reincarnation as a Source of Healing (1976) (New York: M. Evans and Company, 1977)Yes
E2Devlin, Barbara Lynne - I am Mary Shelley (New York: Condor, 1977; ISBN 0 89516 007 2)Yes
E0DeWitt Miller, R. - Reincarnation (New York: Bantam, 1965)No
E1Dixon, Jeane - Reincarnation and Prayers to Live By (1969) (New York: Morrow, 1970)Yes
E?Drury, Nevill - Reincarnation: Exploring the Concept of Reincarnation in Religion, Philosophy and Traditional Cultures (New York: Barnes & Noble, 2002)Yes
E?Ducasse, C.W. - A Critical Examination of the Belief in Life after Death (Springfield: Thomas, 1960)Yes
E3Ebon, Martin - Reincarnation in the Twentieth Century (1962) (New York: Signet, 1970)Yes
E2Edmonds, I.G. - Other Lives: The Story of Reincarnation (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979; ISBN 0 07 018987 0)Yes
E0Edwards, Paul - Reincarnation: A Critical Examination (New York: Prometheus Books, 1996)No
E0Eichhorn, Gustav - Heredity, memory and transcendental recollection as seen by a physicist (1959)No
E1Encausse, G. (Papus) -Reincarnation (Rider: London, 1929)Yes
E2Esser, Bert - World History for Past-Life Therapists (Ommen/Tauranga, NZ: Tasso Publishing, 2012)Yes
E0Evans, W.H. - Reincarnation: Fact or Fallacy? (London: Psychic Press, 1953)No
E4Exploring Regression Therapy: A collection of forty student papers 2003-2012 (Ommen: Tasso Publishing, 2012No
E2Finkelstein, Adrian - Marilyn Monroe Returns: The Healing of a Soul (Charlotsville, VA: Hampton Roads, 2006)Yes
E2Finkelstein, Adrian - Your Past Lives and the Healing Process: A Psychiatrist Looks at Reincarnation and Spiritual Healing (Farmingdale: Coleman, 1985; ISBN 0 87418 001 5)Yes
E3Fiore, Edith - Freeing Stalemates in Relationships by the Resolution of Entity Attachments (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.3, No.1, 1988)No
E4Fiore, Edith - The Unquiet Dead. A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession. Detecting and Removing Earth Bound Spirits (Garden City, NJ: Doubleday, 1987)Yes
E4Fiore, Edith - You Have Been Here Before (New York: Ballantine, 1978)Yes
E2Fisher, Joe - The Case for Reincarnation (London: Grafton Books, 1986)Yes
E0Floride, Athys - Human Encounters and Karma No
E4Flournoy, Theodore - From India to the Planet Mars (New York: University Books, 1963)Yes
E0Fox, Emmett - Reincarnation Described and Explained (1939) (London: Harper & Row, 1967)No
E5Freedman, Ph. D., Thelma B. - Hypnotically-Facilitated Past-Life Reports: A Comprehensive Overview of Research (Canastota: Self-published, 2000)Yes
E?Freedman, Ph. D., Thelma B. - Soul Echoes: The Healing Power of Past-Life Therapy (New York: Kensington, 2002)Yes
E2Frieling, Rudolf - Christianity and Reincarnation (Edinburgh: Floris)No
E5Fuller, Jean Overton - Joan Grant: Winged Pharaoh (Fullerton: Theosophical History, 1993; ISBN 1 883279 02 X)Yes
E?Fuqua, Evelyn - Cosmic Relationships: Exploring the Soul's Journey from Off-Earth, Earth Lives, and Reincarnation (Bandon, OR: O.M.R.A., 2012)Yes
E?Fuqua, Evelyn - From Sirius to Earth: A Therapist Discovers a Soul Exchange (Livermore, CA: Inner Eye Books/Oughten House Publications, 1997)Yes
E4Gabriel, Michael - Remembering Your Life Before Birth (1992) (Santa Rosa, CA: Aslan, 1995; ISBN 0 944031 60 9)Yes
E4Gabriel, Michael - Voices from the Womb: Adults Relive Their Pre-Birth Experiences (Lower Lake, CA: Aslan Publishing, 1992)Yes
E4Gallup, George, Jr. with William Proctor - Adventures in Immortality (London: Corgi, 1982)No
E0Gardner, E.L. - Reincarnation: Some Testimony from Nature (London: Theosophical Society, 1965)No
E0Geley, Gustave - Reincarnation (London: Rider, 1930)No
E0George, T. - The Lives you Live as Revealed in the Heavens: A history of karmic astrology and pertinent delineations (Arthur 1977)No
E4Gershom, Yonassan - Beyond the Ashes: Cases of Reincarnation from the Holocaust (Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press, 1992)Yes
E4Gershom, Yonassan - From Ashes to Healing: Mystical Encounters with the Holocaust (Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press, 1996) No
E?Glasenapp, Helmuth von - The Doctrine of Karma in Jain Philosophy (Bombay: Bai Vijibai Jivanlal Charity Fund, 1942)Yes
E4Glaskin, Gerald M. - A Door to Eternity: Proving the Christos Experience (Wildwood: Book Wise, 1979; ISBN 0 7045 3002 3)Yes
E4Glaskin, Gerald M. - The Christos Experience: Exploring the 'Christos Technique' of Mind Travel (1986 ed.)Yes
E4Glaskin, Gerald M. - Windows of the Mind: The Christos Experiment (London: Arron Books, 1974; ISBN 0 7045 0117 1)Yes
E?Glaskin, Gerald M. - Worlds Within (London: Arron Books, 1978)Yes
E4Goldberg, Bruce - Past Lives, Future Lives (New York: Ballantine books, 1982)Yes
E4Goldberg, Bruce - Past Lives, Future Lives: Accounts of Regressions and Progressions Through Hypnosis (North Hollywood: New Castle, 1982 ; ISBN 0 87877 059 3)Yes
E?Goldberg, Bruce - The Search for Grace (St. Paul, Minnesota: Llewellyn Publications, 1997; ISBN 9 781567 183184 /1 56718 318 2)Yes
E0Goudey, R.F. - Reincarnation: A Universal Truth (Los Angeles: Aloha, 1928 )No
E0Gould, B. - The Jewel in the Lotus (London: Chatto and Windus, 1957)No
E0Govinda, Lama Anagarika - The Way of the White Clouds (London: Hutchinson, 1966)No
E?Gowell, Elaine Childs. - Regression and Protection (Seattle: Self Published, 2000; 2nd print 2001)Yes
E4Graham, David - The Practical Side of Reincarnation (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall, 1976; ISBN 0 13693903 1)Yes
E?Graham, David (ed.) - Regression Therapy for Relationship Issues: A Study on Behalf of EARTh - The Earth Association for Regression Therapy ([location?] EARTh, 2013)Yes
E3Grant, Joan - Eyes of Horus (1942) (London: Diploma, 1974)Yes
E4Grant, Joan - Far Memory: The Autobiography of Joan Grant (Columbus, OH: Ariel, 1985; ISBN 0 89804 141 4) (= Time out of Mind)Yes
E3Grant, Joan - Life as Carola (London: Methuen, 1939)Yes
E3Grant, Joan - Lord of the Horizon (1943) (London: Diploma, 1974)Yes
E3Grant, Joan - Return to Elysium (London: Methuen, 1947)Yes
E3Grant, Joan - Scarlet Feather (1945) (Columbus: Ariel, 1990 ; ISBN 0 89804 148 1)Yes
E3Grant, Joan - So Moses was Born (1952) (Columbus: Ariel, 1990)Yes
E4Grant, Joan - Time Out of Mind (London: Barker, 1956)Yes
E4Grant, Joan - Winged Pharaoh (New York: Harper, 1938)Yes
E4Grant, Joan & Denys Kelsey - Many Lifetimes (1967) (London: Corgi, 1976 )Yes
E1Gregor, Norman - Thoughts on Reincarnation (Turnbridge Wells: Gregory)Yes
E?Grossi - Reliving Reincarnation Through Hypnosis Yes
E3Guirdham, Arthur - The Cathars and Reincarnation (Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1976)Yes
E3Guirdham, Arthur - The Island (Jersey: Spearman, 1980)Yes
E3Guirdham, Arthur - The Lake and the Castle (Jersey Neville Spearman 1976 )Yes
E2Guirdham, Arthur - The Psyche in Medicine (London: Spearman 1978)Yes
E3Guirdham, Arthur - We Are One Another (Jersey: Spearman, 1974)Yes
E0Gunaratna, V.F. - Rebirth Explained (Kandy: Buddhist Publication Society, 1971)No
E0Gupta, I.D., Sharma, N.R. & T.C. Mathur - A Case of Reincarnation (Delhi: International Aryan League, 1936)No
E?Gyngazov, P.S. - The Roads of Lives: Essays on Regression Therapy (Tomsk: Scientific & Technical Translations (STT) Publishing, 2013)Yes
E1Haich, Elisabeth - Initation: Priestess in Egypt (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1965) No
E0Hall, Manly P. - Astrology and Reincarnation (Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1975)No
E1Hall, Manly P. - Death to Rebirth (Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1979)Yes
E1Hall, Manly P. - How Belief in Rebirth Can Enrich Your Life (Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1956)Yes
E1Hall, Manly P. - Past Lives and Present Problems: How to prepare for a fortunate rebirth (Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society (1977) Yes
E1Hall, Manly P. - Reincarnation. The Cycle of Necessity (1939 ) 7th printing (Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1978)Yes
E1Hall, Manly P. - Research on Reincarnation (Los Angeles: Philosophical Research Society, 1964)Yes
E?Hampton, Charles - Reincarnation: A Christian doctrine (Los Angeles: The St. Alban Press, 1925)Yes
E0Hampton, Charles - The Transition Called Death: A recurring experience (1943) (Wheaton: Theosophical Publ. House, 1979)No
E5Hansen, Paul - Post-Accident Trauma Release: Release of Body Trauma from Current and Past-Life Traumas (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.3, No.1, 1987)No
E1Hanson, ed., Virginia - Karma. The Universal Law of Harmony (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1975)Yes
E2Hanson, Virginia, R. Stewart & S. Nicholson - Karma: Rhythmic Return to Harmony (1975) (3rd ed.; Wheaton: Theos. Publishing House, 1990; ISBN 0 8356 0663 5)Yes
E4Harrison, Peter and Mary - Life Before Birth (London: MacDonald, 1983)Yes
E2Hartley, Christine - A Case for Reincarnation (1972) (London: Hale, 1987)Yes
E4Head, Joseph & Sylvia Cranston - Reincarnation in World Thought: A Living study of Reincarnation in all ages; including selections from the world's religions, philosophies, sciences and great thinkers of the past and present (New York: Julian Press, 1967)Yes
E4Head, Joseph & Sylvia Cranston - Reincarnation: An East-West Anthology (New York: Julian Press, 1961)No
E4Head, Joseph & Sylvia Crnston - Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery. An East-West Dialogue on Death and Rebirth from the World of Religion, Science, Psychology, Philosophy, Art and Literature and from Great Thinkers of the Past and Present (New York: Julian Press/Crown Publishers, 1977)Yes
E0Henderson, A. - The Wheel of Life (London: Rider, 1935)No
E0Hick, John - Death and Eternal life (London: Collins, 1976)No
E?Hickman, Irene - Remote Depossession (1994) (Kirksville, MO: Hickman Systems, 1997)Yes
E?Hinson-Rider, Joy & Kathryne White Birch Cochrane - Metamorphosis: 91 Past-Life Case Histories of Five Individuals On Earth and Elsewhere (Sante Fe, NM: Spiral Light Press, 1993)Yes
E3Hodgkinson, Liz - Reincarnation: The Evidence (London: Piatkus, 1989)Yes
E1Hodgson, Joan - Reincarnation through the Zodiac (1943) (Vancouver: CRCS Publications, 1973) Yes
E2Hodson, Geoffrey - Reincarnation. Fact or Fallacy? (1951) (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1972 )Yes
E?Holzer, Hans - Born Again. The Truth about Reincarnation (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Company, 1970 Yes
E4Holzer, Hans - Life Beyond Life: The evidence for reincarnation (West Nyack: Parker, 1985 )Yes
E?Holzer, Hans - Patterns of Destiny (Los Angeles: Nash, 1974)Yes
E2Howard, Alan - Sex in the Light of Reincarnation and Freedom (Spring Valley: St. George, 1980)Yes
E2Howe Jr., Quincey - Reincarnation for the Christian (1974) (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1987)Yes
E2Howell, Olive Stevenson - Heredity and Reincarnation (London: Theosophical Publishing House, 1926)Yes
E5Hubbard, L. Ron - Dianetics: The modern science of mental health (1950) (Copenhagen: New Era, 1982)Yes
E3Hubbard, L. Ron - Have you lived before this life? (1958)No
E1Hubbard, L. Ron - Mission into Time (1968) (Los Angeles: American Saint Hill, 1973)Yes
E2Hughes, Thea Stanley - Twentieth Century Question: Reincarnation (London: Movement, 1976 )Yes
E?Hulme, A. J. Howard & Frederic H. Wood - Ancient Egypt Speaks: A Miracle of Tongues (London: Rider & Co., Paternoster House, E.C., [year?] )Yes
E1Humphreys, Christmas - Karma and Rebirth (1943) (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1983)Yes
E?Hussey, Helen & Sandra Sherrod - Dr. John: He Can Read Your Past Lives (Gnosticoeurs, 1983)Yes
E3Hussey, Helen Nethery - Dr. John Quickbook no. 1: Karmic Roots (Grand Island, FL: Religious Research Press, 1981)Yes
E3Hussey, Helen Nethery - Dr. John Quickbook no. 2: Karmic Justice for Women (Grand Island, FL: Religious Research Press, 1981)Yes
E1Inayat Khan, Hazrat - The Soul, Whence and Whither (1923) (New Lebanon, N.Y.: Sufi Order Publications, 1977)Yes
E1Ingalese, Richard & Isabelle - From Incarnation to Reincarnation (New York: Watkins, 1980)Yes
E4Ireland-Frey, Louise - Clinical Depossession: Releasement of attached entities from unsuspecting hosts. (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.1, No.2, 1986)No
E4Ireland-Frey, Louise - Freeing the Captives: The Emerging Therapy of Treating Spirit Attachment (Charlotsville, VA: Hampton Roads, 1999)Yes
E4Iverson, Jeffrey - More Lives than One? (1976) (New York: Warner, 1977) No
E4Jamieson, Bryan - Explore Your Past Lives (Van Nuys, CA: Astro-Analytics Publications, 1976)Yes
E5Jarmon, M.D., Robert J. - Discovering the Soul: The Amazing Findings of a Psychiatrist and His Patients (Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press, 1997; ISBN 0 87604 370 8)Yes
E?Jhaveri, Shilpa - Incarnation Odyssey: A journey of Consciousness (Chennai: Notion Press, 2020.Yes
E1Jinarajadasa, C. - How We Remember Our Past Lives, and other essays on reincarnation (1915) (8th printing; Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House, 1973)Yes
E0Jinarajadasa, C. - The History of Reincarnation (Adyar: Theosophical Pub. House, 1919)No
E0Johnston, Charles - Karma, Works and Wisdom (New York: Theosophical Society, 1900)No
E1Johnston, Charles - The Memory of Past Births (New York: Theosophical Society, 1904)Yes
E4Jong, Marianne de - Agoraphobia: Trauma of a Lost Soul (Journal of Regression Therapy)No
E4Kardec, Allan - The Spirit's Book (1857) (London: Psychic Press, 1975) Yes
E?Karlén, Barbro - And the wolves howled: fragments of two lifetimes (1997) (London: Clairview Books, 2000)Yes
E4Kear, Ph.D., Lynn - We’re Here: An Investigation into Gay Reincarnation (Atlanta: Brookhave, 1999; ISBN 0 9668112 0 8)Yes
E4Kelsey, Dennis & Joan Grant - Many Lifetimes (1967) ( London: Corgi, 1976)No
E?Kelsey, Denys - Now and Then: Reincarnation, Psychiatry and Daily Life (Folkstone, Kent UK: Trencavel Press, 2007)Yes
EKernaghan, Eileen & Jonathan Kay - Walking After Midnight (New York; Berkley Books, 1990)Yes
E0Keyes, Charles F. & Valentine Daniel, eds. - Karma: an anthropological inquiry (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1983)No
E2Klausner Margot - Reincarnation (Ramat-Gan: Massada, 1975)Yes
E4Klein, M.D., Edward - Soul Search: The Healing Possibilities of Past Lives (1995) (2nd pr; Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press, 1996; ISBN 0876043414)Yes
E1Kline, Milton (ed.) - A Scientific Report on The Search for Bridey Murphy (New York: Julian Press, 1956)Yes
E?Knight, Marcus - Spiritualism, Reincarnation and Immortality (London: Duckworth, 1950)Yes
E?Knight, Sirona - The Book of Reincarnation (Hauppauge, New York: Barron, 2002)Yes
E2Kolisko, Eugen - Reincarnation and Other Essays (1940) (Bournemouth: Kolisko Archive, 1978)Yes
E?Komianos, Athanasios N. - Rapid Entity Attachment Release: A breakthrough in the world of spirit possession and releasement (Corfu: Hypnoscopesis, 2011)Yes
E0Krutch, Joseph - More Lives Than One (New York: Morrow, 1962)No
E?Lane, Barbara - 16 Clues to Your Past Lives!: A Guide to Discovering Who You Were (Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1999)Yes
E4Lane, Barbara - Echoes from the Battlefield: First-Person Accounts of Civil War Past Lives (Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press, 1996)Yes
E0Lane, M.A., Barbara - Echoes from Medieval HallsNo
E3Langley, Noel - Edgar Cayce on Reincarnation (New York: Warner Books, 1967)Yes
E0Lauritsen, P. - Reincarnation and FreedomNo
E?Lawton, Ian - The Book of the Soul: Rational Spirituality for the Twenty-First Century (Southhampton, UK: Lawton Publishing, 2004)Yes
E0Leadbeater, Charles W. - The Soul's Growth Through Reincarnation, Vol. 1, 2, 3,4 (Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House 1941-1950)No
E0Leadbeater, Charles W. - Reincarnation (Harrogate: Theosophical Publ. Committee, 1930)No
E0Leadbeater, Charles W. - The Band of Servers: A Record of Past Lives and the Karma Thereof (Adyar Theosophical Pub. House, 1941)No
E3Leek, Sybil - Reincarnation: The Second Chance (1974) (New York: Bantam Books, 1975)Yes
E?Leininger, Bruce & Andrea, with Ken Gross - Soul Survivor: The Reincarnation of a World War II Fighter Pilot (New York: Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group, 2009)Yes
E3Lenz, Frederick - Lifetimes: True Accounts of Reincarnation (1979) (New York: Ballantine, 1986)Yes
E?Leonardi, D. - The Reincarnation of John Wilkes Booth (Olde Greenwich, Connecticut: Devin-Adair, 1975)Yes
E?LeShan, Lawrence - The Medium, the Mystic, and the Physicist: Toward a General Theory of the Paranormal (1966) (New York: Ballantine/RandomHouse / Viking Press, 1975)Yes
E1Lewis, H. Spencer - Mansions of the Soul: The Cosmic Conception (1930) (San Jose: Rosicrucian Press, 1933 )Yes
E0Lewis, H.D. - The Self and Immortality (New York: Seabuty Press, 1973)No
E?Llewellyn Educational Staff - A Llewellyn Educational Guide to The Truth About Past Life Regression (St.Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, 1986Yes
E?Lodge, Oliver - The Survival of Man: A study in Unrecognized Human Faculty (New York: Moffat, Yard & Co., 1909) Yes
E2London, Jack - The Star Rover (1915) (Valley of the Sun 1987)Yes
E4Long, Herbert - A Study of the Doctrine of Metempsychosis in Greece. From Pythagoras to Plato. (New Jersey: Princetown Univ. Press, 1948)Yes
E5Lucas Ph.D., Winafred Blake - Mind Mirror Research on the Retrieval of Past Lives (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol. IV, No.1)No
E5Lucas Ph.D., Winafred Blake - Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals; Volume I: Past-life Therapy (Crest Park: Deep Forest Press, 1993 ; ISBN 1 882530 01 2)Yes
E5Lucas Ph.D., Winafred Blake - Regression Therapy: A Handbook for Professionals; Volume II: Special Instances of Altered State Work (Crest Park: Deep Forest Press, 1993; ISBN 1 882530 02 X)Yes
E5Lucas, Winafred B. - Mind Mirror Research on the Retrieval of Past Lives (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.4, No.2, 1989)No
E0Luntz, Charles - The Challenge of Reincarnation (St. Louis: Luntz Publications, 1957)No
E?Lutoslawski, Wincenty - Pre-existence and Reincarnation (London: Allen & Unwin, 1928)Yes
E0Luxton, L.K. - Astrology, Key to Self-understanding: A guide to karma, reincarnation and spiritual astrology (Llewellyn 1978)No
E0Lynn, Denise - Past Lives, Present DreamsNo
E0MacGregor, Geddes - Reincarnation as a Christian Hope (London: Macmillan, 1982)No
E3MacGregor, Geddes - Reincarnation in Christianity (Wheaton: Quest Book, 1978)Yes
E3MacGregor, Geddes - The Christening of Karma. The Secret of Evolution. (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, 1984)Yes
E?Mackenzie, Vicki - Reborn in the West (London: Thorsons, 1995; ISBN 0 7225 3443 4)Yes
E?Mackenzie, Vicki - Reincarnation: The Boy Lama (1988) (Boston, MA: 1996)Yes
E0MacReady, Robert - The Reincarnation of Robert MacReady (New York: Zebra, 1980)No
E?MacTaggart, John - Human Immortality and Pre-Existence (New York: Kraus, 1970)Yes
E?Mandelker, Scott - Universal Vision: Soul Evolution and the Cosmic Plan (San Francisco, CA: UV Way, 2000)Yes
E0Manik, Chand Jain - Karmic Control Planets (Astrological Publications)No
E0Mann, A.Tadd - The Divine Plot: Astrology, cosmology a history. (London: Unwin Hyman, 1988)No
E1Mann, A.Tadd - The Elements of Reincarnation (Shaftesbury: Element Books, 1995)No
E2Marcotte, Armand & Ann Druffel - Past Lives, Future Growth (San Diego: ACS, 1984)Yes
E5Martin, A.R. - Researches in Reincarnation and Beyond [Vol.I] (Sharon, PA: Published By Author, 1942)Yes
E3Martin, Eva (ed.) - The Ring of Return: An Anthology of References to Reincarnation and Spiritual Evolution: from Prose of All Ages (1927) (New York: University Books, 1963)Yes
E3McClain, Florence - A Practical Guide to Past Life Regression (St. Paul: Llewellyn, 1986)Yes
E4McClain, Florence - The Truth About Past Life Regression (1986) (3th printing; St. Paul: Llewellyn, 1989)Yes
E0McDermit, Marilynn - Reincarnation: a Biblical DoctrineNo
E0McGill, Desmond & Irvin Mordes - The Many Lives of Alan Lee (Merrimuck National Guild of Hypnotists 1988)No
E?McHugh, Greg - The New Regression Therapy: Healing the Wounds and Trauma of This Life and Past Lives with the Presence and light of the Divine (Greg McHugh, 2010)Yes
E0Meyer, Louis - Reincarnation (Unity Village, Missouri: Unity School of Christianity, 1937)No
E?Miles, Eustace - Life after Life or The Theory of Reincarnation (London: Methuen & Co., 1907)Yes
E0Mirza,N.K. - Reincarnation in Islam (Adyar Theos. Pub. House 1927)No
E4Modi, M.D., Shakuntala - Remarkable Healings: A psychiatrist discovers unsuspected roots of mental and physical illness (Charlesville: Hampton Roads 1997)Yes
E2Montaño, Mary - Loving Mozart: a Past Life Memory of the Composer's Final Years (Albuquerque: Cantus Verus Books 1995)Yes
E2Montgomery, Ruth - Companions Along the Way (1974) (New York: Fawcett, 1976)No
E3Montgomery, Ruth - Here and Hereafter (New York: Coward McCann)No
E5Moody Jr., Raymond – Life after Life (New York: Bantam/Mockingbird 1975)No
E0Moore, George - Metempsychosis (Cambridge: Harvard, 1914)No
E3Moore, Marcia - Hypersentience (New York: Crown, 1976)No
E0Moore, Marcia & Mark Douglas - Karmic Astrology (York Harbor: Arcane, z.j.)No
E3Moore, Marcia & Mark Douglas - Reincarnation: Key to Immortality (York Harbor: Arcane 1968)Yes
E3Morrell, Ed - The Twenty-Fifth Man (1924) (New York: Vantage 1955)No
E4Moss, Peter & Joe Keeton - Encounters with the Past: How Man Can Experience and Relive History (London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 1979)Yes
E3Motoyama, Hiroshi - Karma and Reincarnation: The Key to Spiritual Evolution & Enlightenment (London: Piatkus, 1992)No
E5Muller, Karl - Reincarnation, based on facts (London: Psychic Press, 1970)Yes
E2Mullin, Glenn - Death and Dying, the Tibetan Tradition (London: Arkana 1986)No
E5Netherton, Morris & Nancy Shiffrin - Past Lives Therapy (New York: Morrow, 1978)Yes
E4Newton Ph.D., Michael - Journey of Souls. Case Studies of Life Between Lives (1996) (5th ed.; St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 1998)Yes
E4Newton, Michael - Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life Between Lives (St.Paul, MN: Llewellyn, 2001) Yes
E0Norman & Spaegel - Principles & Practice of Past-life TherapyNo
E0Nyantiiloka, Mahathera - Karma and Rebirth (Kandy: Buddhist Publishing Society, 1959)No
E1O'Connor, Dagmar - The First Pharaoh: The Story of Tehuti and Menes - A new revelation concerning reincarnation. (London: Regency Press, 1956)Yes
E?O'Flaherty, Wendy - Karma and Rebirth in Classical Indian Traditions (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1980)Yes
E?O'Grady, Annie - Past Lifetimes; Keys for Change (Burra Creek, Australia: Sally Milner Publishing, 1997)Yes
E1Olugunna, Deji - Karma. Blueprint of Redemption (London: Regency Press, 1973 )Yes
E4Oppenheim, Ph.D., Garrett - Who Were You Before You Were You? The Casebook of a Past-Life Therapist (New York: Carlton Press, 1990; ISBN 0 8062 3575 6)Yes
E0Pa1icha, S. - Claims of Reincarnation No
E2Pakenham-Walsh, W.S. - A Tudor Story: the Return of Anne Boleyn (Cambridge: James Clarke, 1982 )Yes
E1Palmer, Cecil, ed. - Reincarnation: The True Chronicles of Rebirth of Two Affinites, recorded by one of them (London: Palmer, 1921)Yes
E1Palmer, Martin, Kwok Man-Ho & Kerry Brown, transl. and ed. - Three Lives (1600) (London: Century, 1987)Yes
E1Paramananda, Swami - Reincarnation and Immortality (1919) (Boston: Vedanta Centre, 1923 )Yes
E0Parameswara, P. - Soul, Karma and Re-birth (Bangalore: Parameswara 1973)No
E0Pascal, Theophile - Reincarnation: A Study in Human Evolution (Theos. Publ. Society, 1950)No
E1Perkins, James - Experiencing Reincarnation (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House, Quest Book, 1978)Yes
E1Perkins, James - Through Death to Rebirth (Wheaton: Theos. Press 1961)Yes
E2Pilkington, J. Maya & the Diagram Group - Who Were You? (New York: Ballantine, 1988) No
E?PLR - Headline News (December 2009) Handmade CD/DVDYes
E1Prabhupada, Swami - Coming Back: The Science of Reincarnation (Los Angeles/London etc.: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust,1982; ISBN 0 89213 114 4)Yes
E4Praed, Rosa - The Soul of Nyria (1914 ) (London: Rider, 1931)Yes
E0Priestley, J.B. - I Have Been Here Before (London: Heinemann, 1938)No
E2Pryse, James - Reincarnation in the New Testament (1900) (Mokelumne Hill Health Research, 1965) Yes
E3Psychography: A Method of Self-Discovery (Grand Island: Religious Research Press, 1990; ISBN 0 915151 00 6)Yes
E?Puryear, Herbert Bruce - Why Jesus Taught Reincarnation: A Better New Gospel (Scottsdale, AZ: New Paradigm Press, 1992)Yes
E4Quinn, Noreen - She can read your past lives (Religious Research Frontier Books)Yes
E0Rama, S. - Freedom from the Bondage No
E?Ramster, Peter - The Search for Lives Past (Sydney: Somerset Film and Publishing, 1990 (reprint 1992)Yes
E?Reincarnation: The Karmic Cycle (Piercy, MA: Chinmaya Mission West, 2000)Yes
E1Reincarnation: The Pilgrimage of the Soul (London: Concord Grove 1987)Yes
E1Reincarnation: The True Chronicles of Rebirth of Two Affinities Recorded by One of Them (London: Cecil Palmer 1921)Yes
E0Reincarnation: Theosophical Manual No.2 (Adyar: Theosophical Publishing House 1970)No
E1Reyna, Ruth - Reincarnation and Science (New Delhi: Sterling 1973)No
E4Rieder, Ph.D., Marge - Mission to Millboro (1991) (Nevada City: Blue Dolphin Publishing, 1993)Yes
E?Rieder, Ph.D., Marge - Return to Millboro: The Reincarnation Drama Continues... (Nevada City: Blue Dolphin Publishing, 1996)Yes
E?Riley, B. - A Veil Too Thin: Reincarnation out of Control (Malibu, CA & Scottsdale, AZ: Valley of the Sun publishing, 1984)Yes
E2Rinbochay, Lati & Jeffrey Hopkins - Death, Intermediate State and Rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism 1979 (Ithaca: Snow Lion 1985)Yes
E1Rittelmeyer, Friedrich - Reincarnation: Philosophy, Religion, Ethics (1931)Yes
E5Roberts, Dr. Helen Nethery - Destiny of the Soul Florida: Religious Research Press, 1987)Yes
E4Roberts, Dr. Helen Nethery - Karma, the Great Teacher (Florida: Religious Reseach Press, 1983 )Yes
E0Roberts, Helen Nethery - Karmic Justice for Women (Grand Island: Gnosticoeurs 1986)No
E0Roberts, Helen Nethery - Karmic Roots (Grand Island: Gnosticoeurs, 1986)No
E0Robertson, M. - Time out of Mind: The past in your astrological birth chart and reincarnationNo
E?Rogo, D. Scott - The Search for Yesterday (Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall 1985)Yes
E1Rolfe, Mona - The Spiral of Life. Cycles of Reincarnation (Suffolk: Neville Spearman, 1975)Yes
E3Ryall, Edward - Second Time Round (Jersey: Neville Spearman, 1974)Yes
E0Sagan, Dr. Samuel - Regression: Past-life therapy for here and now freedom (Roseville, Australia: Clairvision School Foundation, 1996)No
E?Sagan, Samuel - Entity Possession: Freeing the Energy Body of Negative Influences (1994) (Rochester, VT: Destiny Books, 1997)Yes
E0Sahay, K.K.N. - Reincarnation: Verified Cases of Rebirth after Death (Bareilly, India: Privately printed, 1927)No
E?Sakellarios, Stephen (prod.) - In Another Life: Reincarnation in America (Gold Thread Video Productions, 2002)Yes
E?Salva, Richard - Soul Journey: From Lincoln to Lindbergh (San Jose, CA: Crystar Press, 2006)Yes
E4Schlotterbeck, Karl - Living Your Past Lives: The Psychology of Past Life Regression (New York: Ballantine, 1987)Yes
E?Schroder, Tom - Old Souls: The Scientific Evidence for Past Lives (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1999)Yes
E0Schubot, Errol - Exploring Your Past Lives as a Pathway to Healing No
E3Schubot, Erroll - Creative Source Therapy (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.2, No.2, 1987)No
E1Schulman, Martin - Karmic Astrology (New York: Weiser, 1976-1978)No
E0Schulman, Martin - Karmic Relationships No
E3Scott, Cyril - The Boy Who Saw True (Suffolk: Spearman, 1961 (reprint of 1st ed. 1953) )Yes
E3Semkiw M.D., Walter - Return of the Revolutionaries (Charlotsville: Hampton Roads, 2003)Yes
E2Sharma, I.C. - Cayce, Karma and Reincarnation 1975 (Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House 1982)Yes
E?Sharma, Natwar - Methaphors of Memory: Healing Through Past and Current Life Regression (Chennai, India: Westland Publications 2021)Yes
E3Shelley, Violet M. - Reincarnation Unnecessary, based on the Edgar Cayce Readings (Virginia Beach: A.R.E. Press, 1979)Yes
E5Shirley, Ralph - The Problem of Rebirth (1924) (London: Rider, 1938)Yes
E3Shubow, Robert - The Return of the Soul: A Transpersonal Model of the Disease Healing Process (APRT Newsletter, Vol.9, No.3, Summer 1989)No
E?Smith, Roy C. - Incarnation and Reincarnation: An astonishing guide to yesterday with the power to transform your tomorrows! (Los Angeles: Religious Research Press, 1975)Yes
E0Smith, Susy - Reincarnation for the Millions (Los Angeles: Sherbourn, 1967)No
E?Snow, Captain Robert L., Looking for Carroll Beckwith: The True Story of a Detective's Search for His Past Life (Emmaus, PA: Daybreak Books/Rodale Books, 1999)Yes
E3Snow, Chet - Mass Dreams of the Future: Featuring Hypnotic Future-Life Progressions by Helen Wambach (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1989)Yes
E0Sparrow, L. - Reincarnation: Claiming your past, creating your future No
E3Stammler, Richard - Transmundo Beings in Regression Therapy (Richard Stammler, 2011)Yes
E2Stearn, Jess - Intimates Through Time: Edgar Cayce's Mysteries of Reincarnation (1989) (New York Signet/Penguin Books, 1993)Yes
E2Stearn, Jess - Soul Mates: Perfect Partners, Past, Present and Beyond (New York: Bantam, 1984; ISBN 0 553 05075 3)Yes
E4Stearn, Jess - The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes (Garden City/New York: Doubleday/Bantam, 1968)Yes
E4Stearn, Jess - The Second Life of Susan Ganier (= The Search for the Girl with the Blue Eyes) (London: Leslie Frewin, 1969)Yes
E2Stearn, Jess - Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation (London: Spearman, 1965)Yes
E?Steiger, Brad - Returning from the Light: Using Past Lives to Understand the Present and Shape the Future (New York/London/etc.: Signet/Penguin, 1996)Yes
E2Steiger, Brad - The Enigma of Reincarnation (1967) (New York: Ace, 1973)Yes
E?Steiger, Brad - You will Live Again! (1967) (New York: Dell, 1978)Yes
E?Steiger, Brad & Loring G. Williams - Other Lives (New York: Hawthorne, 1969)Yes
E?Steiger, Brad, Enid Hoffman a.o. - Your Future Lives (West Chester, PA: Whitford/Schiffer, 1988)Yes
E0Stein, W.J. - The Principle of Reincarnation (London: Anthroposophical Publishing, 1947)No
E?Stevension, M.D., Ian - European Cases of the Reincarnation Type (Jefferson, NC/London: McFarland, 2003)Yes
E?Stevension, M.D., Ian - Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect (Westport, CT/London: Praeger/Greenwood, 1997)Yes
E5Stevenson, Ian - Cases of the Reincarnation Type. Volume I :Ten Cases in India. Volume II : Ten Cases in 1i Lanka. Volume III: Twelve Cases in Lebanon and Turkey. Volume IV: Twelve Cases in Thailand and Burma. (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1975-1983)Yes
E5Stevenson, Ian - Children Who Remember Previous Lives. A Question of Reincarnation (Charlottesville: Universitiy Press of Virginia, 1987; ISBN 0 8139 1140 0) Yes
E5Stevenson, Ian - Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etiology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects. Vol.I: Birthmarks Vol. II: Birth Defects and Other Anomalies (Westport, CT/London: Praeger Publishers, 1997)Yes
E5Stevenson, Ian - Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. (1966) 2nd ed.(Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1974)Yes
E0Stevenson, Ian - Unlearned Languages: New Studies in Xenoglossy (Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia 1987)No
E?Stevenson, Ian - Xenoglossy: A Review and Study of a Case (Charlottesville: Univ. Press of Virginia, 1974)Yes
E4Stevenson, M.D., Ian - The Evidence for Survival from Claimed Memories of Former Incarnations (1961) (4th printing; Fulham: Pegg & Sons, 1978)Yes
E2Stewart, Ada - Falcon: The Autobiography of His Grace James the IV, King of Scots (London: Davies, 1970)Yes
E3Story, Francis - Rebirth as Doctrine and Experience (Kandy: Buddhist Publishing Society, 1975) (includes 1959)Yes
E3Story, Francis - The Case for Rebirth (Ceylon, 1959)No
E0Strauss, B - Sex and ReincarnationNo
E0Strauss, Richard - Life Challenge: Astrology, karmic indicatorsNo
E2Sutphen, Dick - Earthly Purpose: The incredible true story of a group reincarnation (New York: Pocket Books, 1990)Yes
E3Sutphen, Dick - Finding Your Answers Within (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1989)Yes
E3Sutphen, Dick - Past Lives, Future Lives (New York Pocket Books, 1978)Yes
E3Sutphen, Dick - Predestined Love (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1988)Yes
E3Sutphen, Dick - You Were Born Again to Be Together (New York: Pocket Books, 1976 )Yes
E3Sutphen, Dick & Lauren Taylor - Past-Life Therapy in Action (1983) (Malibu: Valley of the Sun, 1987)Yes
E3Sutphen, Dick & Trenna Sutphen - The Master of Life Manual (Scottsdale, AZ/Malibu, CA: Valley of the Sun, 1980, 1983 ed.)Yes
E3Talbot, Michael - Your Past Lives: A Reincarnation Handbook (New York: Harmony Books, 1987) Paperback ed.: New York: Fawcett Press Book / Ballantine Books, 1989 ed.Yes
E0Tatz, Mark & Jody Kent - Rebirth: the Tibetan Game of Liberation (New York: Anchor 1977)No
ExTenDam, Hans - Deep Healing: A practical outline of Past-Life Therapy (Ommen: Tasso Publishing, 1996)Yes
ExTenDam, Hans - Exploring Regression Therapy: A collection of forty student papers 2003-2012 from the Tasso Institute, the Netherlands (Ommen/[Utrecht/Amersfoort]: Tasso Publishing, 2012)Yes
ExTenDam, Hans - Deep Healing and Transformation: A Manual of Transpersonal Regression Therapy (Utrecht: Tasso Publishing, 2014)Yes
E2Thornton, Penny - The Forces of Destiny (London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson)Yes
E1Tingley, Katherine - Reincarnation (1907) (Albuquerque: Sun, 1981)Yes
E?Todeschi, Kevin J. - An Overview of the Edgar Cayce Material (Edgar Cayce Foundation, 2005)Yes
E4Tomlinson, Andy - Healing the Eternal Soul: Insights from Past-Life ans Spiritual Regression (Ropley: O-Books, 2006)Yes
E2Toyne, Clarice - Heirs to Eternity: A Study of Reincarnation with IIlustrations (London: Neville Spearman, 1976)Yes
E4Underwood, Peter & Leonard Wilder - Lives to Remember: A Casebook on Reincarnation. (London: Robert Hale 1975)Yes
E?Vallieres, Ingrid - Reincarnation Therapy (Bath, UK: Ashgrove Press, 1991)Yes
E1Van Auken, John - Born Again and Again: How Reincarnation Occurs, Why and What it Means to you! (Virginia Beach: Inner Vision, 1984)Yes
E2Van Auken, John - Past Lives and Present Relationships (1984) (Virginia Beach: Inner Vision, 1987)Yes
E1Van Pelt, Gertrud - Karma: The Law of Consequences. (Pasadena: Theos. University Press, 1977)Yes
E3Van Waveren, Erlo - Pilgrimage to the Rebirth (New York: Weiser, 1978)Yes
E?VanPelt, G.W. - Doctrine of Karma: Chance or Justice Yes
E4Viviane Rose - Hans TenDam at Work: Four full sessions with short comments for fellow-therapists DVD 1 & 2 (Ommen/[Utrecht]: Tasso Institute, 2007)Yes
E0Wachsmuth, Gunther - Reincarnation as a Phenomenon of Metamorphosis (New York: Antroposophic Press, 1937)No
E3Walker, BenJamin - Masks of the Soul: The Facts behind Reincarnation. (Wellingborough: Aquarian, 1981)Yes
E0Walker, D.P. - The Decline of Hell (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1964)No
E3Walker, E.D. - Reincarnation: A Study of Forgotten Thruth (1888) (New York: University Books, 1965)Yes
E0Walli, Koshelya - Theory of Karman in Indian Thought (Varanasi Bharata: Manisha, 1977)No
E5Wambach, Helen - Life before Life (New York: Bantam Book 1979)Yes
E4Wambach, Helen - Past-Life Therapy: The Experience of Twenty-six Therapists (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.1, No.2, 1986)No
E5Wambach, Helen - Reliving Past Lives: The evidence under hypnosis (1978) (New York: Bantam, 1979)Yes
E3Wambach, Helen & Leona Lee - The Wambach Method. A Manual for Past Life Recall (1978) (APRT-Publication, 1986)No
EWarriar, Aasha - From Mediocrity to Madness … Past Life Regression Cases in India (Mumbai: Ciffar Image Publications, 2006)Yes
E4Watkins, John and Helen - Ego States: Theory and Therapy (New York: Norton, 1997)No
E5WCRT - First World Congress on Regression and Past-Life Therapy: Statistical Research on 300 regressions by Jos Hermans (Rockanje, Netherlands: June 19-22, 2003) Audio CD + pdf file Yes
EWCRT 1: Audio CD 2 (Rockanje, Netherlands: June 19-22, 2003)Yes
EWCRT 1: Eternal Return by Roger Woolger (Rockanje, Netherlands: June 23-26, 2003) Audio CD Yes
EWCRT 2: Accessing Past Life Memories using Toning, colors, and the Chakras … by Gayla Reiter (Workshop 703, Delhi: March 11, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Breath as an Invaluable Tool in Past Life Regression Field by Newton Kondaveti (Workshop 602, Delhi: March 11, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Clearing Decision, Vows, and Oaths by Lucy Baker (Workshop 402, Delhi: March 10, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Clearing Decisions, vows, and oaths from Past Lives by Lucy Baker (Workshop 103, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Closing Ceremony - Dinner - Dances of India by Rekha Tandon (Delhi: March 11, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Emotional Hypnosis: A Way to Induce Age and Past Life Regression by Horia Nita (Workshop 303, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Energy and Body Awareness in Regression Therapy by Andy Tomlinson (Workshop 202, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Finding and Releasing Polar Past Life Experiences in the Body by Hans TenDam (Workshop 501, Delhi: March 10, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Human and Non-human Reincarnations: Sequential or Random? by Pavel Gyngazov (Workshop 403, Delhi: March 10, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Life-between-Lives Regression by Ilja van de Griend (Workshop 401, Delhi: March 10, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Past Life Activities in the Astrological Chart by Marjorie Reynolds (Workshop 203, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
E0WCRT 2: Remote Healing in Regression Therapy by Mario Resende (Delhi: March 11, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Research Panel by moderator Marion Boon (Delhi: March 10, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Return of the Revolutionaries: Objective Evidence of Reincarnation by Walter Semkiw (Workshop 301, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Silent Regression Session - A non-invasive Hypnotherapy Technique by Charlene Ackerman (Workshop 302, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: The Use of Muscle Testing/Kinesiology With Reincarnation Therapy by Anita Groenendijk (Workshop 101, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Therapeutic Intervention of Regression: Diagnosing and Treating Body Organs in Physical Illnesses by Yogesh Choudhary (Workshop 201, Delhi: March 9, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 2: Working with ET/UFO Abduction Cases and Alien Past Lives by Dolores Cannon (Workshop 601, Delhi: March 11, 2006) DVD Yes
EWCRT 4: Closing Night - Night Entertainments - Sightseeing’ 20th October 2011 (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT 4: Video Recordings of Pre-Workshop - 'Transpersonal Integrations by Hans ten Dam (Kusadasi, Turkey: 17-18 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Core Issue Integrations' 21st October 2011 by Hans ten Dam (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Emotional Empowerment Technique and Parallel Realities to Resolve Core Issues' by Yuvraj Kapadia (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Hypnoscopesis: Integrating Ancient Therapeutic Techniques' by Athanasios Komianos (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Integration Methods with Regression Therapy for Healing' by Andy Tomlinson & Reena Kumarasingham (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Integration of Experience at the Soul Level: Extraterrestrial and Terrestrial Incarnations' by Pavel Gyngazov (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Opening Night Ceremony (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-21-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Reaching The Core Issue: Regression Therapy With Traditional Clients' 20th October 2011 by Bonnie Cripe (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-21-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 - 'Therapy and Experiences with Presences from Outer and Inner Earth’ by Richard Stammler (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
EWCRT4 -'The Witch Session 21st October 2011 by Yuvraj Kapadia (Kusadasi, Turkey: 20-22 October 2011) DVD Yes
E2Weatherhead, Leslie - The Case for Reincarnation (1958) (Tadworth: Peto, 1971)Yes
E3Webb, Rchard - These Came Back (Grand Island, FL: Religious Research, 1974)Yes
E0Weisman, A. - We Immortals: The Dick Sutphen past-life hypnotic regression seminars (New York: Pocket Books, 1979)No
E3Weiss, Brian - Many Lives, Many Masters (New York/London/etc.: Simon & Schuster, 1988)Yes
E?Weiss, Brian L. - Meditation, Relaxation, Regression - Tape 1: A. Healing Meditation B. Regression I / Tape II: A. Deep Relaxation B. Regression II (Brian L. Weiss; 1994; ISBN 9 789583 301599) Two audiocasettesYes
E?Weiss, Brian L. - Mirrors of Time: Using Regression for Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Healing (1992) (Carslbad, CA/Sydney/etc.: Hay House, 2002) Yes
E?Weiss, Brian L. - Only Love is Real: A Story of Soulmates Reunited (New York: Warner Books, 1996)Yes
E?Weiss, Brian L. - Same Soul, Many Bodies: Discover the Healing Power of Future Lives Through Progression Therapy (New York/London/etc.: Free Press/Simon & Schuster, 2004) Yes
E4Weiss, Brian L. - Through Time into Healing (1992) (New York: Fireside, 1993; ISBN 0 671 86786 5)Yes
E4Whitton, Joel & Joe Fisher - Life between Life: Scientific explorations into the void separating one incarnation from the next. (Garden City: Doubleday, 1986)Yes
E4Williston, Glenn & Judith Johnstone - Soul Search: Spiritual growth through a knowledge of past lifetimes (Wellingborough: Turnstone, 1983)Yes
E2Wilson, Ernest - Have We Lived Before? (1936) (8th ed.; Lee's Summit, MO.: Unity School of Christianity, 1953)Yes
E3Wilson, Ian - All in the Mind (=Mind out of Time?) (Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981)No
E3Wilson, Ian - Mind out of Time? Reincarnation Claims Investigated (London: Gollancz, 1981)Yes
E3Wilson, Ian - Reincarnation? (Penguin, 1982 )No
E?Wilson, Martin - Rebirth and the Western Buddhist (1984 ) (2nd ed; London: Wisdom Publications, 1987)Yes
E0Wood, Frederic - After Thirty Centuries (London: Rider, 1953)No
E0Wood, Frederic - Ancient Egypt Speaks (London: Rider, 1937)No
E?Wood, Frederic - This Egyptian Miracle (London: Watkins/Rider, 1955)Yes
E4Woodward, Mary Ann - Edgar Cayce's Story of Karma (New York: Berkeley Publishing, 1972)Yes
E2Woodward, Mary Ann - Scars of the Soul: Holistic Healing in the Edgar Cayce Readings (Columbus, Ohio: Brindabella, 1985; ISBN 0 89804 903 2)No
E?Woolger, Jennifer Barker & Roger J. - The Goddess Within: A Guide to the Eternal Myths that Shape Women's Lives (1987) (New York: Fawcett Columbine/Ballantine, 1989)Yes
E4Woolger, Roger - Aspects of Past-Life Bodywork: Understanding Subtle Energy Fields. Part I: Theory (Journal of Regression Therapy, Vol.2, No.1 and 2, 1987)No
E4Woolger, Roger - Healing Your Past Lives: Exploring the Many Lives of the Soul (2007) (Boulder: Sounds True, 2010)Yes
E5Woolger, Roger J. - Other Lives, Other Selves: A Jungian Psychotherapist Discovers Past Lives (New York: Doubleday, 1987): ISBN 0 89804 903 2)Yes
E1Wright, Leoline - Reincarnation: A love chord in modern thought (Calif.: Theos. University Press, 1977No
E1Yott, D. H. - Astrology and Reincarnation: I. Retrograde planets and reincarnation. Il. Intercepted Signs. III. Triangulation of Saturn, Jupiter, Mercury. (1977) (York Beach: Weiser, 1989)Yes
E?Young, Robert, Loy Young & Lucia Cappacione - Reincarnation Handbook: Techniques of Past Life Regression (Los Angeles Reincarnation Research and Education Foundation, 1980) No
F?Allix, Stéphane - La réincarnation: Une enquête aux frontières de la mémoire (Paris: Éditions de La Martinière, 2014)Yes
F?Beaugitte, G & Pierre Neuville - Marie-Lise […] (1958)Yes
F5Bertholet, Ed. - La Réincarnation (Paris: Aryana, 1949)Yes
F0Bertholet, Ed. - Petite iconographie de la réincarnation (Paris: Delachaux et Nestlé)No
F0Celmar, M.L. - L'ame et ses réincarnations (Paris, 1925)No
F3David-Neel, Alexandra - Immortalité et réincarnation. Doctrines et pratiques dans Chine, Tibet et Indie. (Paris: Plon, 1961)Yes
F?Delanne, Gabriel - Documents pour servir à l'étude de la réincarnation (Paris: Ed.s de la BPS,1924)Yes
F4Des Georges, A. - La Réincarnation des Ames selon les Traditions Orientales et Occidentales (Paris: Michel, 1966)Yes
F?DesYe1dins, Denise - De naissance en naissance: Témoignage sur une vie anterieure (Paris: La Table Ronde, 1977)Yes
F?DesYe1dins, Denise - La mémoire des vies anterieures (Paris: La Table Ronde, 1980 )Yes
F?Drouot, P. - Nous sommes tous immortels (Monaco: Le Rocher, 1987; ISBN 2 268 00638 7)Yes
F?Dubuc, Ph.D., Pierre - Le cheminement de l'esprit vers la guérison de l'ame et du corps (Quebec: Liberté Nouvelle, 1998; ISBN 2922467120)Yes
F0Dubuc, Ph.D., Pierre - Vies passées heureuses: Outils thérapeutiques au present (Saint-Zénon, Quebec: Louise Courteau, 1994)No
F1Encausse, G. (Papus) - La Réincarnation (1925) (3eme ed; Paris: Dorbon-Ainé, 1945) Yes
F4Flournoy, Theodore - Des Indes à la Planète Mars. Étude sur un cas de somnambulisme avec glossolalie (Paris: Alcan, 1900)No
F0Koechlin de Bizemont, Dorothée - L'astrologie karmique (Paris: Laffont, 1983)No
F0Pascal, Theophile - Essai sur l'évolution humaine (Paris, 1901)No
F0Pascal, Theophile - La Réincarnation (1895) (Paris 1950)No
F0Pezzani, André - La pluralité des existences de l'ame (Paris: Didier 1865)No
F3Pisani, Isola - Mourir n'est pas mourir (Paris: Laffont, 1978No
F0Pisani, Isola - Preuve de survie. Croire ou savoir (Paris: Laffont, 1980) No
F5Rochas, Albert de - Les vies successives (1911) (Paris: Chacornac, 1924)Yes
F0Saint-Savin, Charles - La réincarnation universelle (Paris: Dervy, 1947)No
F?Siémons, Jean-Louis - Revivre nos vies antérieures: Temoignages et preuves de la réincarnation (Paris: Albin Michel, 1984; ISBN 2 226 02117 5)Yes
F0‭Victor, Jean Louis - Réincarnation et peintres mediums (Ed. du Nouveau Monde 1980)No
F?Zahan, D., ed. - Reincarnation et vie mystique en Afrique Noire (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1965)Yes
G5Ansbacher, Heinz L. & Rowena P. (Herausgebers) - Alfred Adlers Individualpsychologie. Eine systematische Darstellung seiner Lehre in Auszügen aus seinen Schriften. (München: Reinhardt, 1982.)No
G1Archiati, P. - Erneuertes Christentum und Wiederverkörperung (Stuttgart: Freies Geistesleben,1996)Yes
G0Baer, Emil - Das Geheimnis des Wiedererkennens (Zürich, 1928)No
G0Bertholet, Alfred - Seelenwanderung (Basel,1904)No
G3Bock, Emil - Wiederholte Erdenleben. Die Wiederverkörperungsidee in der deutschen Geistesgeschichte (Stuttgart: Verlag der Christengemeinschaft, 1932)Yes
G3David-Neel, Alexandra - Unsterblichkeit und Wiedergeburt: Lehren und Brauche in China, Tibet und Indien (Wiesbaden: Brockhaus, 1962)No
G2Delacour, J.B. - Vom ewigen Leben (Dusseldorf: Egon Verlag 1974) No
G4Dethlefsen, Thorwald - Das Erlebnis der Wiedergeburt: Heilung durch Reinkarnation (München: Bertelsmann 1976)No
G3Ebertin, Baldur R. - Reinkarnation und neues Bewusstsein (1986) (Freiburg: Bauer 1989, ISBN 37626 03316)Yes
G0Eckhart, K.A. - Irdische Unsterblichkeit. Germanischer Glaube an die Wiederverkörperung in der Sippe (Weimar: Bählau 1937)No
G0Eichhorn, Gustav - Vererbung, Gedächtnis und Transzendentale Erinnerungen vom Standpunkte des Physikers (Stuttgart: Hoefmann 1909)No
G?Falke, Robert - Gibt es eine Seelenwanderung? (Strien: 1904)Yes
G2Frieling, Rudolf - Christentum und Wiederverkörperung (Stuttgart: Urachhaus 1974) No
G0Hutten, Kurt - Seelenwanderung (Stuttgart: Kreuz, 1962)No
G2Koch, Werner - Reinkarnation: Heilung aus der Vergangenheit (Aitrang: Windpferd, 1992)No
G?Kramer, Ulrich - Aus fernen Welten: Was uns zur Inkarnation auf der Erde bewegte - Band II Die kosmische Dimension des MindWalking (Neuhausen/Jestetten/Zürich: Govinda-Verlag, 2005)Yes
G?Kramer, Ulrich - Im Internet der Seelen: Entdeckungsreisen durch die menschliche Psyche Band I Persönlichkeitsentwicklung mit MindWalking (Neuhausen/Jestetten/Zürich: Govinda-Verlag, 2005)Yes
G?Kramer, Ulrich - MindWalking: Unbelastet in die Zukunft (Münster: Verlag Peter Jentschura, 2008)Yes
G0Neidhart, Georg - Werden wir wiedergeboren? (München 1959)No
G?Netherton, Morris & Charlotte Muthesius - Zeitreisen unseres Unbewussten: Eine Erklärung der Reinkarnationstherapie (Bonn: Eigenverlag, [2005] )Yes
G5Passian, Rudolf - Wiedergeburt. Ein Leben oder viele? (München: Knaur 1985)No
G2Pryse, James - Reinkarnation im Neuen Testament (Interlaken: Ansata, 1981; ISBN 3 7157 0038 6)Yes
G1Rittelmeyer, Friedrich - Wiederverkörperung im Lichte des Denkens, der Religion, der Moral (Stuttgart: Christengemeinschaft, 1931)No
G3Rosenberg, A. - Die Seelenreise: Wiedergeburt, Seelenwanderung oder Aufstieg durch die Sphären (Olten, der Schweiz: Otto Walter 1952)Yes
G0Schmidt, K.O. - Wir leben nicht nur einmal (Dettenbach: Buddingen, 1956)No
G?Sigdell, Jan Erik - Durch ten Tod ins Leben: Wie wir die Furcht vor dem Tod überwinden und unsere Unvergänglichkeit erkennen (Hanau: Ansate, 2007)Yes
G4Sigdell, Jan Erik - Emotionale Befreiung durch Rückführung: Ein Handbuch für Reinkarnationstherapeuten und ihre Klienten (Basel: Selbstverlag, 1993)Yes
G?Sigdell, Jan Erik - Reinkarnation, Christentum und das kirchliche Dogma (Wien: Ibera Verlag, 2001; ISBN 3-85052-109-5)Yes
G?Sigdell, Jan Erik - Reinkarnationstherapie (München: Heyne, 2006)Yes
G?Sigdell, Jan Erik - Rückführung in früheren Leben (München: Ansata, 2004)Yes
G?Sigdell, Jan Erik - Unsichtbare Einflüsse: Befreiung von anhänglichen Seelen und aufdringlichen Wesenheiten (Hanau: AMRA, 2012)Yes
G?Sigdell, Jan Erik - Wiedergeburt und früheren Leben (München: Heyne, 2008)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 009: Theosophie(1904, p.61-90) Alle GA: (Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 016: Ein Weg zur Selbsterkenntnis des Menschen (1912: p.78-85) Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 017: Die Schwelle des geistigen Welt (1913: p.30-33)Yes
G3Steiner, Rudolf - GA 026: Anthroposophische Leitsätze (1924-25: p.34-40, 72-75, 177-196)Yes
G3Steiner, Rudolf - GA 034: Luzifer-Gnosis (1903-1908: p.67-91, 361-363, 371-377, 381-383, 404-406)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 053: Grundbegriffe der Theosophie (1904: p.42-58)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 054: Welträtsel und Antroposophie (1906: p.279, 306)Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 093a: Grundelemente des Esoterik (1905: Vorträge 8, 16, 21, 22, 29)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 095: Vor dem Tore der Theosophie (1906: Vorträge 6, 7, 8)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 097: Das christliche Mysterium (Vortrag 14.6.1906)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 099: Die Theosophie des Rosenkreuzers (1907: Vorträge 6 und 7)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 100: Menschheitsentwicklung und Christus-Erkenntnis (1907: Vorträge 7 und 8 von Theosophie und Rosenkreuzertum)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 109/111: Das Prinzip der spirituellen Ökonomie in Zusammenhang mit Wiederverkörperungsfragen (Vortrag 21.1.1909, Vortrag 7.3.1909, Vortrag 12.6.1909)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 114: Das Lukas-Evangelium(1910: Vortrag 10)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 120: Die Offenbarungen des Karma (1910)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 130: Das esoterische Christentum und die geistige Fuhrung der Menschheit (Vortrag 8.2.1912)Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 131: Wiederverkörperung und Karma (1912)Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 133: Der irdische und der kosmische Mensch (1912: Vortrag 5) Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 134: Die Welt der Sinne und die Welt des Geistes (1911: Vortrag 1) Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 153: Inneres Wesen des Menschen und Leben zwischen Tot und Neue Geburt (1914: Vortrag 1) Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 157: Menschenschicksale und Volkerschicksale (1915: Vortrag 9) 1915 Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 181: Erdensterben und Weltenleben (1918: Vorträge 5 und 6)Yes
G3Steiner, Rudolf - GA 235: Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge: Band I (1924 - ISBN 3 7274 2350 1)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 236: Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge: Band II (Vorträge 8 t/m 20)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 237: Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge: Band III (Vortrag 2)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 238: Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge: Band IV (Vorträge 2, 7 und 8)Yes
G2Steiner, Rudolf - GA 239: Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge: Band V (Vorträge 8 - 16)Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - GA 240: Esoterische Betrachtungen karmischer Zusammenhänge: Band VI (Vorträge 7 und 8)Yes
G1Steiner, Rudolf - Reinkarnation und Karma. Gesammelte Aufsätze 1903-1923 (Dornach: Rudolf Steiner Nachlassverwaltung, 1961)Yes
GxTenDam, Hans - Tiefenheilung und Transformation: Ein Handbuch der transpersonalen Regressiontherapie (Amersfoort: Tasso Publishing, 2018)Yes
GxTenDam, Hans - Tiefenheilung: Ein praktisches Handbuch der Rückführungstherapie (Ommen: Tasso, 2010)Yes
G1Trautmann, Werner - Naturwisssenschäftler bestätigen Re-Inkarnation (Olten: Walter, 1983)Yes
G?Vallières, Ingrid - Praxis der Reinkarnationstherapie: Konsequenzen und Reichweite (5ten Auflage; Stuttgart: Naglschmid, 1997, ISBN 3925342249)Yes
G0Wachsmuth, Gunther - Die Reinkarnation des Menschen als Phänomen des Metamorphose (Dornach: Goetheanum, 1933) No
G3Weden, W. & W. Spindler -Ägyptische Einweihung: Erinnerung an ein Leben als ägyptischer Priester. (Frankfurt: Fischer 1978)Yes
G0Weiss, S. - Karma-Astrologie: Esoterische Studie über die Planeten Saturn und NeptunNo
I0Brazzini, Pasquale - Dopo la Morte si Rinasce? (Milano 1952)No
I0Calderine, Innocenzo - La Reincarnazione (Milano: Inchiesta Internazionale, 1913)No
I0Costa, Giuseppe - Di la della Vita (Turino: Lattes 1923)No
P?Andrade, Hernani Guimarães - Espírito, Perispírito e Alma: Ensaio sobre o Modelo, Organizador Biológico (São Paulo: Pensamento, 1984)Yes
P4Andrade, Hernani Guimarães - Morte, Renascimento, Evoluição: Uma biologia transcendental (São Paulo: Pensamento, 1983)Yes
P?Andrade, Hernani Guimarães - Reencarnacão no Brasil: Oito casos que sugeram renascimento (Matéo: O Clarim, 1988)Yes
P3Andrade, Hernani Guimarães - Um Caso que Sugere Reencarnacão: Simone x Angelina (São Paulo: I.B.P.P., 1979)Yes
P0Arauco, S. - Tres Pontos Básicos sobre Reencarnação (Lisboa: Fraternidade, 1982)No
P0Bezerra de Menezes, Adolpho - A Loucura sob Novo Prisma (Rio de Janeiro 1946)No
P?Campos, Jordan - Entrevista com o Pânico: Uma Viagem aos Bastidores dos Transtornos Ansiosos (1955) (São Paulo: Scortecci, 2010)Yes
P?De Almeida, Idalino S., et al. - Terapia Regressiva: Abordagens Psicoterapêuticas Complementares (Salvador/BA: Editoria Romanegra, 2015)Yes
P3Ferreira, Dr. Inácio - A psiquiatria em face da reencarnacão (1955) (São Paulo: FEESP, 1988)Yes
P0Lacerda, Nair - A reencarnação atraves dos séculos (São Paulo: Pensamento, 1978)No
P?Leitão, Maria Clara - Regressões: Processo Pessoal de Cura (Carvelos, POR: Projecto Anjo Dourado, 2007)Yes
P0Martins, Cesso - Espiritismo e vidas successivas (Rio de Janeiro: ELO, 1976)No
P4Martins, Edison Flávio - Abrindo as Janelas do Tempo: Pela Terapia de Regressão (Campinas: Livro Pleno, 2001)Yes
P0Miranda, Hermínio - A reencarnação na bíblia (Sao Paulo: Pensamento, 1981)No
P0Miranda, Hermínio - Reencarnação e immortalidade (Rio de Janeiro: 1975)No
P2Peres, Júlia P. Moraes Prieto - Terapia Regressiva a Vivéncias Passadas (TRVP) (São Paulo, 1994)Yes
P0Santesson, H.S. - Tudo sobre a reencarnão (Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1969)No
PxTenDam, Hans - Cura Profunda e Transformação: O Novo Manual de Terapia Regressiva (São Paulo: Lexikos, 2019)Yes
PxTenDam, Hans - Panorama sobre a Reencarnação: Uma Investigação recente e sua relação a TVP Vols. 1-2 (São Paulo: Summus Editorial, 1993)Yes
PxTenDam, Hans - Uma Secretária na Vitrine: 25 histórias incomuns da prática de um terapeuta de regressão (São Paulo: Lexikos, 2019)Yes
P3Terapia de Vida Passada: uma abordagem profunda do inconsciente - (São Paulo: Summus, 1990, ISBN 85 323 0070 7)Yes
P?WCRT 3 - 'Fotos' (Rio de Janeiro/Brasil: 2008) DVD Yes
P?WCRT 3 - 'Técnicas Gerais de Reconexão' Hans TenDam (Rio de Janeiro: 2008) DVD Yes
P?Woolger, Roger - O Processo da memoria profunda (Deep memory process) (Almasoma, 2005-2008) DVD 1-2 & DVD 3-4Yes
S0Domingo Soler, Amelia - Hechos que Pruebam (Ed. Argentina 18 de Abril)No
SxTenDam, Hans - Sanación Profunda y Transformación: Manual de Terapia Transpersonal (Amersfoort/Países Bajos, 2021)Yes
TxTenDam, Hans - DERİN ­ŞİFA VE DÖNSÜŞÜM (Transpersonal Regresyon Terapisi El Kitabi ([Istanbul]: [publisher?], 2014)Yes
TxTenDam, Hans - Tekrardoĝusu Keşfetmek: Geçmiş Yaşam Deneyimlerinin Kanitlari Için Klasik Bir Rehber (Istanbul: Ruh ve Madde Yayinlari, 2012)Yes